We Are Looking for Partners for BeFitliner
Position Description:
BeFitliner, a 24/7 personal trainer and nutrition advisor that helps people achieve their fitness goals 10 times faster, is seeking dynamic and motivated partners across various countries. Your role will involve building and developing local partnerships that will bring BeFitliner to your customers, contributing to the growth and success of our brand.
Countries Where We Are Seeking Partners
Success in this Position Means:
- Acquiring and maintaining strategic partnerships with local businesses.
- Achieving a minimum of 20% sales share in your country.
- Providing support and training to partners to effectively offer BeFitliner to their customers.
- Actively seeking new opportunities and partnerships to expand our customer base.
Rewards and Earnings Potential:
As a partner, you will receive a 20% commission on sales generated in your country. With BeFitliner’s first-year revenue in Slovakia reaching €793,000 and 12,000 subscribers, the earning potential is significant. For example, if you facilitate 100 sales in a month, each at €69, your commission could amount to €1,380 monthly!
Competitive Advantages:
BeFitliner offers four personalized modules for customers all in one package for one price:
- Customized Meal Plans
- Customized Workout Plans at the Gym
- Customized Home Workout Plans
- Customized Supplement Programs
Compared to competitors like BetterMe, Fitbit, Unimeal, and Fitify, BeFitliner provides a comprehensive solution at a fraction of the cost, making it an attractive option for customers.
Interested in This Position?
If you are interested in collaborating and believe you could contribute to our success, please send your resume and cover letter to b2b@befitliner.com. Applications will be accepted until the end of 2024.
We look forward to your application!